@article{oai:jpcoar.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000279, author = {高橋, 幸子 and 齋藤, 深雪 and 山崎, 登志子}, issue = {2}, journal = {ヒューマン・ケア研究, Journal of human care studies}, month = {Dec}, note = {Aim: This study examined the role of emotion in burnout of psychiatric nurse and specifically the suppression of negative emotions while working patients and the role of emotional support network in preventing the burnout. Method: This was a questionnaire survey with 315 psychiatric nurses. Results; The following three points were found: (1) emotional exhaustion was high when nurses displayed negative emotion to patients; (2) depersonalization frequently occurred either when nurses displayed negative emotion to patients or when emotional dissonance was high; and (3) personal accomplishment was high either when nurses suppressed negative emotion to patient while suffering violence by the patient mentally or physically or when they displayed positive emotion to the patient. In addition, it was revealed that nurses' awareness of emotional support network in their offices helped prevent the burnout. Conclusion; Even though nurses felt a sense of accomplishment by not revealing their negative emotions, the consequences were emotional exhaustion. A wareness of emotional support was crucial in preventing burnout.}, pages = {59--69}, title = {精神科看護師のバーンアウトの要因と情緒的支援の有効性に関する研究}, volume = {11}, year = {2010}, yomi = {タカハシ, サチコ and サイトウ, ミユキ and ヤマザキ, トシコ} }